Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My life's picha~!!

'Dine at "we talk cafe"'

Fish chop!!! This was what kak chak ate!! This one damn tasty!!

This was what qiey ate.Curry laksa xx mee...whatever.i forgot the name =="

Tadazz!! My dinner for today...haha!! i went to a new cafe in selayang jaya with my bestie (kak chak and Qiey).wooot!! the foods damn delicious there,haha!! and i will spend my time there for the next few weeks. GG!! This is a chicken burger with french fries!! it really delicious!!

LOOK!! haha a sugar can....=D what's inside? haha!! you got it!! it's MONEY!! O.O' why is inside a sugar can have a lot of money and coins? haha!! hey!! im not gonna spend money from now on,because i realized that i spent too much money before...without thinking is the stuff is worth to buy while shopping.T.T im gonna collect all the money that i left everyday and put in this can!! it will be a great value after some times.=D GUYS, im gonna have a new habit!!!!!

'How could it be?'

dang.....i'm wonder why i look so fragile and exhaust now adays O.O" pale,white and tiring face...==" how could it be? I SHOULD BE CHARM ALWAYS!! sigh..maybe im getting elder...hope wrinkles wont appear so fast eh...haha!!! =D

ha!! i went popular yesterday and i bought this interior design magazine.=D I'm not interested on interior design anyway.Btw,why i bought this? because my new house is under construction now,so i need to think and design my own bedroom haha,sound rox? yea..i know that~=D


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nothing much for today~ =D

This morning i was reading news paper like what i did every weekends.But today i read a sad and frustrated news...It's about a step-dad held over sex abuses.A man who has been arrested after his three stepdaughters ran away from home and alleged that he sexually abused them for a year.DO you hear me? A YEAR! it's been a year.Sigh I really hopes that the girls can stand up and back to normal.Why did i said so? because normally their behavior will definately affected.I pray for them with my honest's heart.I really meant it.GIRLS, WE CHEERS for you guys~!! and so on, nothing much special today,haha the news today was all about 60 earth hour. A couple hold candlelight wedding banquet,It's so romantic that they can held such a wonderful and unforgetable wedding...aww jealous...i wish i could have such wedding too...But where's my prince eh? hahaha

"Fell In love"

hey!! I know what you're thinking now...you're thinking that i got a new crush or maybe a boyfriend?nah!! YOU'RE DEFINATELY WRONG!!! haha i just fell in love with stefanie's songs.Her songs her vocal and picth are so touching and perfect....I keep repeat and repeat listening her songs...start to fall in love with her.=D

Papers....is it you think these 3 pieces of papers are just that normal as what you're thinking now? I can tell you,you're absolutely WRONG!! these 3 pieces of papers are going to decide my life.HAHA not that serious kay? just it's all about debate...Do you got it? i join my school chinese society debate tournament~..haha i wish i can win....Bless me? =D

duhh!! feel fed up on this book haha! actually it's quite nice...with nice description and nice characteristic ofcourse with fluent gramma.But i wonder why i can't finish it.I bought it last year and i'm still haven't finish it yet...omgosh what i'm thinking? I should finish it in a week!! or maybe weeks? ==" well...i hope i can finish it soon and buy a new one... haha! BTW i love novel~ =D

"I'm getting EMPTY"

Feeling empty nowadays, need to find something or someone fill up my life or maybe rox my life? haha well,i hope i can be a more sociable person.I'm searching all the camp site and i hope i can join any camp to rox my life and make new friends ^^ life shouldn't be so boring...i should do something!! I SHOULD!!

My mum bought me this yesterday as she felt my pimples grown widely on my forehead.HAha PIMPLES!! == i hate that...and she hope this can cure my pimples,if it fail..i think i should get T3 ==" btw..thanks lovely mum..i love you =D


Feeling depress all the day....i got no idea about it...ha~! well....Today i read news paper(The star) LOL i found my friend was there!! haha i mean one of the article ....sabrina was joined the camp "BRATS" lol..looks fun huh...i wish i could join next year.Let me explain what the brats is.Brats is a group for teenagers about to be a young journalist...hah~! sound fun ....And she's pretty than before =D sabrina do you hear me?? YOU'RE PRETTIER THAN BEFORE!! HAHA~ god~ BRAT= Bright Roving Annoying Teens

I bought these...==" i mean the plaster ...hahaha i was paid at the counter...and took it...after i get in the car i only realized..."why i bought this?" haha~! ridiculous....maybe i just attracted by it's cute package...haha no idea...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The answer~

3 candies's paper can exchange 1more candy so...5-3=2
2+1=3(exchange one more candy again)
total 20+1+1=22
Tadaz~~! do you get it correct? haha~

Friday, March 27, 2009


lets say...you hv RM15 now...
you wish to buy candy...
each candy cost rm1
every 3 candies paper can exchange 1 more candy...
so what is the maximum amount of candies that you can eat?
haha....tell me your answer at the comment space...
i'll show the calculation and answer by tomorrow...Please don't be fret...~



Thursday, March 26, 2009



Wednesday, March 25, 2009


最近,我的死党---->charles 很像开始有点奇怪..不是奇怪啦....只是看到他的部落格写的东西...有点不像他.....我该怎么说呢?你这个人表面上很坚强可是内心却如此的脆弱....我又该怎么安慰你呢?


其实,有谁会想被讨厌?有谁会想被批评?有谁不会武装?只要相信自己,就好啦...干麻管他们....就算你做得再完美无缺,他们还是会在鸡蛋里挑骨头的....别浪费时间在他们身上...bcoz you're not worth to do dat,got it? =p

kak chak 今天突然问了我一道可以让我顿时脑袋一片空白的问题....她问我...像你们这种那么受欢迎的人也会怕被别人讨厌哦? 我该怎么说呢?不是怕.....只是觉得不想被讨厌,怕听到闲言碎语,怕自己做得不好...我....还是无法用言语或文字来说明我对这道问题的想法与感受...

Charles,也蛮受欢迎的...kak chak 我劝你去问他....haha 可能他也会像我一样..被问呆了吧....
无论如何,charles!! 加油哦....虽然只是短短的两个字...不过已经表达了我全部的心意.....你一定要加油!! 身为朋友的我们,会支持你的!!! gambateh!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


lol...哈? 不正常? 我承认...今天我是有点不妥...哈!我知道...kak chak,chamie,qiey你们都很担心我

而且座位换了...有点不习惯所以才会将的....其实我一整天都不想说话....可是看到你们做出一些荒唐的猜测与担心....我实在不忍心...所以recess 过后...我尽量让自己变回原来的模样....

情绪上开始有了变化...我也无能为力啊...对不对? haha...太累了...真的很累....schedule太满..有点应付不来咯...不过我会习惯的....这整个星期都没睡好....haiz...


开始对自己有要求了...是好事还是坏事? 有好有坏咯....好的就是可以进步...不好的是情绪上,开始有想要脱离人群的冲动....现在的我啊....感觉上是压力越大就越爽...很变态吧....可是这种感觉我很enjoy....其实最大的原因是因为我爸妈....当我从segi回来跟他们谈未来的时候....我差点掉泪了....原来...他们对我是如此的有信心...他们的付出...我以前都没发现到...."再怎么贫穷都好,读书的钱是不可以省的....你要读...我再怎么辛苦都会让你去读的" 当我听到的时候...真的很感动....现在想回去...真的很想哭...他们愿意拨出rm3000 让我去补习...真的很感动....也不想让他们失望...


Monday, March 23, 2009


哇! 我才刚从charles的家回来,就上网写Blog 了....哈哈...看!!我多爱你们 =p

我把我一个星期的空闲时间都排得满满的....schedule 满到...连我自己也不懂有没有时间睡觉..=="
今天早上还硬啃咖啡....lol!! 还好有喝....不然我真的撑不下去....等下...又要喝了....


今天数学虽考到A1了...不过还是不满意自己的分数....还有那死人头英文....也虽考到A2但我可没有expect 拿到将低的分数啊!! heck!!!我想我英文也不烂啊....怎么只考到74分叻?haiz...所以说...不要时常对自己的分数有很大的期望....它只会让你跌得更痛...

那个数学也是的....怎么会那么低分叻?当我拿到考卷...我差点哭出来....==" 真的...才77分....haiz...在加上今天又换了新坐位....wah...那个位热到...Yorr...我差点就闷死...=="..要投诉咯....黑板又看不到...老师在讲课我都热到无法专心....真的....没想到这间学校真的差到将的地步....可怜咯....一直要找借口出去透透气.....这间学校要闷死我也不是这样的嘛.....


*想念我以前的坐位, 想念我家的冷气 T.T*

Sunday, March 22, 2009


hmm...i was visited Segi University College this afternoon...
ha! The open day is boring,but im enjoyed...hmm
i was like took many information from the officer haha!
and i had joined the talks of Pharmacy course..
the lecturer was quite funny...haha he's from UK.And while listening his speech,i suddenly felt that my school's english teacher is lame... haha but actually she's lame =D
with all the stupid malay slang and always acting like she did very well in english duhh~! annoying.The lecturer is great btw haha!
haha~! back to my topic...
hmm....i quite intersted on pharmacy....but the qualification to take this course is darm!! ha! i was shocked like a crazy monkey while the officer told me...
Qualification to be a pharmacist:
1)take the pharmacy's course ofcourse!
2)spm/'o' levels or equivalent must be in minimum 5 B3 credits or higher in Science, maths and English only can take this course.
damnit....at least 5 B3 credits....sighh can i? == still wondering...so i decided to chase up the form 4 and 5 chemistry subjects =D
i went to perfection training academy to get the time table after i visited segi.
LOL! the timing is damnly made me headacd...
it's so match with LK!! sigh...so i adjust and adjust finally i got the great time table but one thing that's worse----i got no free time to take a break ==" sigh!!
i told my dad that i wanna take pharmacy course...and his respond was like below:
1)oh,how about my advise? u should be an adjustor by the way
2)what? pharmacy?you can go on if you likes...but low income,although u're master,you cant be boss,u're only can under a boss and doing things in industry.
3)adjustor got good income,you can earn more than 10k per month if only you got the liscence.
4)pharmacy course is harder than what you're thinking now? got it?
5)you can only open a small medical shop after you graduated
6)are you sure you can do well in your science subjects? at least 5 B3 and credit in maths,english,biology,chemistry and physic...are you sure?
7) I prefer adjustor or else you can choose hotel management.
8) ACCOUNTING? MARKETING MANAGEMENT? that's too popular...and i think that's not suitable you(he said this while i telling him about accounting and marketing management)
9)Just go on with adjustor...oh....up to you lah...if you think you can handle the pharmacy course.
aww.......should i listen to him? this question appeared while he talks to me......i must prove to him that i can handle very well....so, i decided to go for tuition.
calculate the fees i need to pay per month loll made me bankrupt.
RM170(LK) + RM147(perfection) =RM317
WHAT!!! RM317 PER MONTH!!!??? dangg killed me up...
I'm plan to go for tarc next sunday,coz today when we arrived there(qiey,kak chak n me) the security told us the open day was ended yesterday..WTHECK? =="
and im going next sunday for get more information about adjustor and pharmacist =="
good luck kath, you can do it~!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


just viewed qiey's blog....future?..... i dint think about that..even adjuster this course also been choosed by my dad...

is it im too lame? i dont even have fixed direction... I don't know where to go....what should i do in the future...mum and dad start to put on pressure on me....even i feel they're annoying,but...i admit that....im lazy.

Laziness is always the main problem...what can i do? dont fret about result? i dont but they did...i dont wish to be a useless daughter....i wish to be perfect infront of them...but can i? start to feel lament for them.....

well.... fine la

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New friends

Wtheck?New friends? lol it's been long time i dint kena new friends*how lame*
keep blocking myself not to be friendly to other...
not act cool...just don't wish to show my friendly or else i don't even wish to get near to strangers
but...they (coconut,skip and hama) still ok la....the weird feeling gone after chat with them in msn.
well,i viewed coconut's blog this evening,dang him...we (joevy,qiey and me) not abc ok?
our school got many type of students....indian ,sikh,malay,chinese
so only 2 languages all of them can fully understand which are english and malay.
and da speaking malay made me feel weird so...i choose to speak english.
we used to speak english in school so that it may cause us speak some english during the speech.
paham x paham ni? mr.coconut?XD
well,and add on i dint take chinese class...so sometimes i really dont understand what u guys talking about,just likes yesterday at oldtown whoa~!! hama? apa tu?
and now i only realize hama is meant by toad LOLL~!! how lame? this is the different between IH and CH got it?
not kebangsaan but IH only...coz IH dint add in chinese subject in normal time table, if we wanna take chinese this subject we can only spend 2 hours each week for learning and study chinese, amd + IH malay's teacher dont even give us a fixed classroom so we need to find an empty classroom and tell teacher to come,how bitch?
well stop talking about that or else i will get mad....
hmm... anyway,nice to meet you guys....
i dont even think that life could hv so many curve to turn on,and the sudden of a sudden everythings will change or something new will comes to you.....
what i can really sure is dont think that life go on smooth,coz a little bit curve will affect the path of your life =D

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My bestiee~!!! wooottt

Blek Blek~!!

4 stupid~!!! haha


My bestie Qiey~!

My bestiee Cham god

My bestie kak chak~!!


Black paper beef's rice? O.O' something like dat larh ==

errhh beef's instant noodles

*lazy to explain + forget their name* =="

Hong Kong's curry fish balls~!!! =D

Tada~!! drinks~~~ hehe the brown colour one is 'yin yong' and the red and black colour one is devil bla bla bla (forgot it's name == ) amd the colour with some mango one is "mango sai mai lou" and the last one with a large lemon is honey lemon tea =D

Friday, March 13, 2009

'The Show'

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go, can't do it alone
I've tried but i don't know why
Slow it down,make it stop or else my heart is going to pop
'Cause it's too much, yeah it's a lot to be something I'm not
I'm a fool out of love 'cause i just can't get enough
I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don't knw where to go, can't to it alone
I've tried but i don't know why
I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared, but i don't show it
I can't figure it out, it's bringing me down
I know i've got to let it go, and just enjoy the show
The sun is hot in the sky just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the signs and synchronize in time
It's a joke nobody knows, they've got a tiket to the show
Yeah,i'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go, can't do it alone
I've tried and I don't know why
I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out, it's bringing me down
I know i've got to let it go and just enjoy the show
Just enjoy the show
Just enjoy the show.....

Monday, March 9, 2009



Monday, March 2, 2009

Badminton before Gym

The swimming pool at Qiey's cousin house~!

The badminton court at Qiey's house~! =D

weeee~!! look like ghost ya~!!

Qiey,cham god & cheng!!


Qiey & cham~!! pretty girls~! they took pic after badminton

Gym before the spagetti~!

The Gym room at Qiey's house


Blek~!!!! we're resting actually~ haha damn tired after gym

4 little insects~!!! haha~!!


Run Run Run!! gogo~!!

Run Run Run!! Beside me was cheng~! ha~!!


arrhhh~!! Im trying my best!!! ARRHHH~!

The fantastic last saturday~!!

haha i was a chef!!! and the other two of them were my assistance~!!
haha kidding la =="

Our deserts!! haha Icecream with some chocolate jam~!

LOL do you guys see the beafballs? It dammit delicious!! Taste good yea~!

haha~ when the spagetti still on the way cooking Qiey took this picture =D~!!

TaDaz~!! Our Products! ha!! Damn delicious le!!! but we cant finish them coz TOO MUCH!! LOL

haha see the soups?It's mushroom soup loll Qiey cooked them~! delicious too~!!

Rocky & Silly's histories~!

They were borned at my cousin's friend house.They are a type of dog which name delmention...*I think i got wrong spelling*but nevermind,the pronousation still same ya~! =D

They're just 1 month + of age...still consider as young puppies.I named them Rocky(male) and Silly(female)due to their atitude and personality.

Let me explain.The male one i'll named it as Rocky because i wish he can be rock after growing to adult.haha Rocky is a very silent but active puppy and since it's a male one,so i wish it can be rock!! =D The female one will named as Silly BECAUSE!!! it's really silly!!!! running here and there just like a monkey,and biting this and that.ESPECIALLY MY SHOES!!! i wonder why it love my shoes so much duhh!!! and it really silly (anyway from my feeling and opinion i feel it's silly haha!!)~~!!!

My Doggie!!! Rocky & Silly

Lol They look so sweet huh? haha~!

This sleepy-head is Silly!~

This big head is rocky!!

Ha!! Rocky and Silly was eatting~! ==" look so hungry huh~!