Saturday, May 30, 2009

A great day~

OKok..It's really great for me today...I've no plan before...I've been late for tuition like an hour..haha~ how ridiculous? BUT!!! THE MAIN POINT is,there's no teacher today..haha i dint mad at all...because i feel that's great...i have my breakfast in lk tuition centre and yet,i found out a competition of design LK tuition centre TEEEEEEEEEE~ haha.I plan to join,but i got no idea how to design it...
Well,forget it then...T.T i watched night at the museum 2 with joevy,quite funny and nice...I love the Amon RA~ hahaha he's funny~...

My brain is spining recently,keep think of art.I dont know why,but it's just cant even stop think about it...Im think like, what if i can bake a cake with weird flavor...for instance,tomato cake,grape cake,vegetable cake,etc...HEY!! DONT LAUGH!! it's healthy and creative!!! Dont u guys know if your dessert is out of fats and glucose u can even live better?...AT LEAST,YOU'RE i'm just thinking something to help,isnt it's great? Its can prevent from diabetes,high blood pressure,obessity and more disease!!..orhhhhhh,that too much of benefits...I'm just great...hahaha...I alway dream that i can open up a cafe and selling my hand-baked cakes,hand-make chocolates,hand-make cookies,some coffee,tea....and there's some pc in my cafe so that my customer can use it anytime(ofcoz you need to pay for it)...Beside that,there's many type of books,my customers can read and enjoying my beautiful tasty cakes and drinks at the same time...hahah how great it is? My plan is perfect...haha

Except my cafe dream,still i wish i can be a doctor,surgery or a pharmacist..u know,i feel so sad sometimes when i saw the patient with cancer got no medicine to cure,especially Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV).HIV is a lentivirus (a member of the retrovirus family) that can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in humans in which the immune system begins to fail, leading to life-threatening opportunistic infections. Previous names for the virus include human T-lymphotropic virus-III (HTLV-III), lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV), and AIDS-associated retrovirus (ARV).Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells. The four major routes of transmission are unprotected sexual intercourse, contaminated needles, breast milk, and transmission from an infected mother to her baby at birth (Vertical transmission). Screening of blood products for HIV has largely eliminated transmission through blood transfusions or infected blood products in the developed world. DO YOU GUYS KNOW HOW SERIOUS IT IS?? so,what my dream is,i wanna find out a medicine which can help them.I wanna create a medicine can cure them...I JUST WANNA HELP!!..not just HIV but all diseases....haha if i failed,then imma back to my bakery job and start my cake's journey...HAHHA DO U GUYS SEE A DOCTOR OPEN UP A CAFE AND BAKE CAKE?? A CAKE'S DOCTOR...HAHA NO RIGHT? I'M GONNA BE THE FIRST~~ =D

awwww..nice drink ever~ strawberry milk shake hohooo~~~ <3<3

U guys know what? the picture above is a cake with tomato flavor~~.HOW GREAT? im just planing to bake a tomato cake and i thought that im creative but then what i found out today was there's a recepi for tomato cake...==" i copied down the ingredients and im gonna try about it... hahah

Thursday, May 28, 2009



Wednesday, May 27, 2009


今天超不爽 + 无奈....
无奈的是金钱问题...Bes Programe 我是非去不可..


大概会有Tressure Hunt,Poster's competition,trip等等哦!!


To:Cyndy,Qiey,Joevy,Seng Joon,Charles,Chamie...
我不能去唱K了...抱歉,抱歉...来日方长嘛...总会有时间再去的~~ 你们玩得开心点哦~<3<3

Friday, May 22, 2009


曾经是情侣的他们,当时真的很快乐,之前他对她的爱没有很深,但渐渐地,他发现...他原来真的很喜欢,很爱她.刚开始的时候,在旁人眼中,他是个喊打喊刹的幼稚男孩.可就是有那么一个,斯文聪明的女孩喜欢上他,她每天打电话给他,不管他有没有在乎她所说的,她就是会每天打电话慰问他,男的,没有给什么善意的回复,甚至在听电话的时候睡着呢...可她就是没放弃他,一直很努力的为他付出..可能是她感动了上天,男的终于也开始对她动心...最后,他们终于在一起了.... 细心对他来说简直是种障碍,旁观者都觉得他不可能办得到...可是,他对她的付出...是真诚的,所以他下定决心,把所有的坏习惯改掉.为了她,他可以改变自己的坏脾气,为了她,他不惜付出所有的代价,为了她,他曾经跟父母闹翻,为了她,他宁愿一个人过也不要再和那堆猪朋狗友联络....可她不是没发现,而是她不知该如何应对,因他之前对她的欺骗实在伤得她太深,她对他的不满,他对她的不满也导致误会越来越深...就如当中的小插曲导致后来分手的重要因素....

->2007年7月12日11點25分晚上 她通過信息,接受了我....
->2007年12月27日1點晚上左右 我們在云頂...度過了難忘的一晚...當時她躺在我肩膀...我以為這一切會是永恒...我很幸福...很開心(在一起的168天)
->2008年1月12日晚上11點25分 184天了 ^^
->2008年2月2號 她送我的第一份情人節禮物...雖然給得太早...但我依然能感到幸福包圍著我(204天)
->2008年3月11日 我最難忘的生日...約了她出來但那天完全沒有回信和接電話...我一個人在戲院度過...當時她晚上對我說....她生病了...這個生日我希望不會再有..

他觉得他很没用,就连挽回也办不到....他说: "我真的很愛她但我怕我們沒有機會再走在一起了"...."一直到分手...我才發覺一件事..我不能沒有她...但她卻可以沒有我...也活得很好"
其实,她痛苦的时候有谁知道?像她这么内向的女孩,她该怎么发泄她没有他的痛苦呢?...当中的小插曲伤得她多么深...又有谁了解呢? 有人想过,她把所有的情绪收起又是为了什么吗?....如果她真的放得下,如今她为何还默默地关心他呢?这些....都没人了解....所以他也没放弃,他一直很坚持地想挽回,因他不想他和她的关系就这样变成历史....



So WhaT~

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na

I guess I just lost my boyfriend
I don't know where he went
So I'm gonna spend my money
I'm not gonna pay his rent

I got a brand new attitude
And I'm gonna wear it tonight
I'm gonna get in trouble
I wanna start a fight

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
I wanna start a fight
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
I wanna start a fight

So, so what, I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves and I don't need you
And guess what, I'm havin' more fun
And now that we're done I'm gonna show you tonight

I'm alright, I'm just fine and you're a fool
So, so what, I am a rock star
I got my rock moves and I don't want you tonight

The waiter just took my table
And gave it to Jessica Simps
I guess I'll go sit with drum boy
At least he'll knows how to sing

What if this song's on the radio?
Somebody's gonna die
I'm gonna get in trouble
My ex will start a fight

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
He's gonna start a fight
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Yeah, he's gonna get in a fight

So, so what, I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves and I don't need you
And guess what, I'm havin' more fun
And now that we're done I'm gonna show you tonight

I'm alright, I'm just fine and you're a fool
So, so what, I am a rock star
I got my rock moves and I don't want you tonight

You weren't there, you never were
You want it all but that's not fair
I gave you life, I gave my all
You we're there, you let me fall

So, so what, I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves and I don't need you
And guess what, I'm havin' more fun
And now that we're done I'm gonna show you tonight

I'm alright, I'm just fine and you're a fool
So, so what, I am a rock star
I got my rock moves and I don't want you tonight

I'm alright, I'm just fine and you're a fool
So, so what, I am a rock star
I got my rock moves and I don't want you tonight

Nice Song~ haha~ <3<3<3

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The mad dog =="

I went to my bestie's house yesterday before went to old town....As you can see the picture above.It's really a mad dog...I can even heard it's bark before get into the house...Gosh,it really mad...It kept barking and barking for no reason...Am I look like a dog murderer by the way? T.T I really wonder why is it so mad at me,it just cant shut it mouth,Every steps i took,every moves i took,it also bark at me....Gosh? what the hell it want? Firstly i was thought like maybe it just wanna protect the host? nah,this thought was just a joke...==" It's mad...i can sure.... any medicine can cure? i think NO!!!...ABSOLUTELY NO!!! haha *Irritating thing*

haha...but lastly,It arrested by my friend...haha see the picture above and you will know....make sense right?!! haha...actually I'm not planing to post this up,but since i'm so boring and i was just checked my phone and found this i post it up,and my friend was just talked to me like"IF you post this picha up!! then i'll never view your blog anymore"I replied,"you will see it by tomorrow,haha~""Dont ever list my name then T.T""okay~ =D" see!!! I hold the promise~ haha right? =D
...awwww wuuuu~~.....
*stupid little irritating thing*

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Out of Control

Out of sudden...i cried while chatting with my friends this morning...
I felt so depress and down...
I got no idea about it....
Not because of something...
Not because of result....
Not because of him....

I just don't know why,my tears dropped out automatically...
because of pressure? NO way...I feel so relax least,the troubles that i facing now wont affect my emotion...

I know,there are some reason..but what is it? I really dont know...and dont wanna know too....

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Friend is important

haha....Today, after my chemistry lesson,i hang out with joevy...
haha...we go for a movie at jusco..... actually,I just acompany joevy to watch x-men.
I almost fall asleep in the boring U KNOW!!!....I WATCHED IT AGAIN AND AGAIN!!! AND i know where's the funniest part,where's the climax....and ofcoz the stupid ending...hahaha

well,friend is important in our we gonna alive without a friend? =D..I'm glad that i have a group of bestie...haha...they alway right by my side when i need them...I LOVE U GUYS!!!! <3<3

and the.....who gonna acompany you go for a movie that she already watched? hahaha.. kak chak!!! do you hear me!!! WHO GONNA ACOMPANY YOU WATCH X-MEN IF I'M NOT EXIST IN THE WORLD?? you should be proud that you got a such good friend with you WAKAKAKAKAKA......
Anyway...I'm looking forward for angels & demons hahah...anyone interest?

*Hope xi fu found bobby as fast as possible lurh...(pray for you)T.T*

Friday, May 15, 2009


哈哈....哈哈哈!!! 真的有够白痴..!!!!! 我竟然奉献了我的第一次给他!!!我的天啊!!!!!

虽然我是还蛮喜欢他的啦...可是,现在还有一个人让我更在乎,更喜欢,更想念 ^^
哈哈....再一次告白好了...irfan..我爱你哦!!! 哈哈哈...*白痴*

这篇之所以会叫"例外篇"是因为我用华语写了....你们一定觉得很怪吧,我之前不是说不再用华语写吗?哈哈,所以这篇的题目才会叫"例外"啊...==" 好啦,让我解释一下好了,我会用华语写是因为我不想让Irfan看到其实我真的喜欢他....哈哈,虽然刚刚我有跟他解释,现在我们这种年龄还不适合谈恋爱,可是,我是真的喜欢他....但,我和他始终是同班同学叻..如果他真的以为我喜欢上他,一定会很尴尬的!!所以,其实他把这高白看成是开玩笑也是好事啦...哈哈....

他刚view我的blog...还骂我说,为何不用英语写,因为他不明白...哈哈....可爱^^ 安啦,这篇过后就再也不会有华语出现了.....*对他的承诺*


Announcement 2

Searching For a dog...

Name : Bobby
Age : 3/2 years old
Size : Small
Colours : Black and brown colours...(picture above)
Host : Nicholas

My xi fu lost his dog yesterday's noon.Some of the witness saw it around selayang's flat,but we dont know the accurate location...If any of you pass through selayang please lend us your hand and pay attention for searching the dog....
Any latest news about the dog please contact 0182404240....
Thank you...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

5science3's Class Tee~

The Front

I Love the cartoons <3<3<3

The Back

Everyone's Signatures

My name "Kathrine" <3<3


When troubles happened on me,
I only realized that i was lonely...facing the troubles alone...
Friends were actually helpless on that moment,
Either console or pity....
It's not necessary for me...
I did the same mistake again and again,
without hesitation....
I hate this feeling,and i'm trying my best to run,to hide to change somemore..
But the conclusion was,
I "failed"...
I was a loser,a lamer...
I let everything passed by,
I failed on everythings,
Somemore, I failed in my life....
Success was just passed by,
and i lost the chance...
I lost everything....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009




Sunday, May 10, 2009


3)paper3我真的不会写,怎样create experiment?...之前读的experiments跟考题无关,真的很无奈...
4)我没把mid year放在心上,我的aim是trial....


Saturday, May 9, 2009

LiverPool rox!!

哈哈....3-0 (Liv vs whu)
Whu lame 啦...
gerrard 轻而易举地进了第一球,
结果就是!!! LIV IS DA TOP!!!! 哈哈...开心开心....
你们要加油哦!!! muackzz~!!

*讨厌我老爸,刚一直在我耳边说liv lame,MU only pro,他真的很烂咯,不爽他!!! grrrr*

Friday, May 8, 2009

Best Programme?

我是很想参加best programme啦,可是,RM350 去三次就没了,有点心疼...去了best programme 也不懂学不学到东西...就像避虎和瓦堡...他们去了,也不见得有很大的改变....而我又不想再次拒绝老师...之前已经拒绝三次了...该怎么办才好呢? 到现在,我都还没跟我爸妈提起过...咳...如果qiey和joevy都不去,那就只有我一个人去了...我最不懂交际的...去到,会跟其他学员吵架吧=="

算了吧...其实我还蛮想参加camp的,因为我要变得活跃!!!!所以啊,如学校的朋友叫我参加其他club,我也很乐意,除非是华文学会啦..哈哈...Best Programme就看我老爸怎么说咯...

我的laptop在哪里?每次跟我妈提起,她都只会说,要买了,要买了...到底是几时?我等到颈都长了...现在已是5月了啊....快点买嘛!!!! *快要暴血管*



又是我出场发言的时候了...=D *我会冷静的处理,有必要才讲的**没必要就当作什么也没发生咯*

*exam arh exam...haiz*

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


哇...惨咯!!! 他还跟踪我....真的给他炸到咯....今天他还破口骂joevy...搞到我要再全班面前骂他!! 真是的...破坏了我的形象....我今年只想平淡的过生活,考好spm...不要再给我制造麻烦了啦!!!

不要再跟踪我了啦...很烦叻...他又是自闭的...这样超恐怖的咯....T.T...Joevy很像有生命危险叻...真糟糕啊!!!很烦啊!!! 还跟踪我去补习!!! 他傻的是吗!!! 咳....给他弄到我有点语无伦次..=="

算了....我应该按照我好友的方法去做...那就是赶快找个男友保护我...==" 可是,那么突然,要再哪里找啊?


Monday, May 4, 2009


又再遇见他了...还是跟以前一样的帅....那种莫名的暧昧感又回到了你我的身旁...虽然今天只是短短的几句话...可是,我可以感觉到,就算你我只是坐着,也不会感到陌生...真奇怪啊...事搁3年了,还会再相见..是缘分吗? 哈,我真的不知道...虽然那种莫名的感觉突然传遍我全身,但,我还是把它给压抑着了...我害怕,我担心,我不需要爱情...也不配做任何人的伴侣...


没有人知道我们的关系,就连我最好的朋友我也不曾提起过...直到今天在银行里遇见你,我才稍微跟joevy提起...那一刻,真的有那种冲动去跟你拿电话号码...可是,我还是没拿,况且,那时我都要离开了...所以,对你笑了笑就走了....听说,你有女友了...恭喜啊....^^ *衷心祝福你* 不过我很肯定的是...现在的我不喜欢,也不想爱你了....哈哈...*因为我心里有别人了?...自己想咯*blek~~


我想除了joevy,qiey还有cham cham..都没人懂我所谓的狗屎是什么意识吧...哈哈...我也懒得解释...还是算了...

*To joevy-->我和他是不可能的,听懂了没?!!*
*To Qiey-->你要加油哦...我永远支持你!! ^^*
*To Cham Cham-->自己知道咯...不用我多说啦...自己解决吧..哈哈*

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Announcement From LK:

Next saturday no tuition due to Wesak day.Our tuition will start on 16th may.No replacement.Thank you. *start from chapter 6,please be well prepared*

Arhh...what a good announcement.... my laziness was celebrating...haha...awww...actually im planing to go pavilion today after the chemistry lesson...but then my mum and dad were to tomorrow...YIppy~..actually i quite disappointed when i heard that we're not going pavilion to shop anymore...haha...but fortunately,my dad promised me that we will go for movie tomorrow...=D

I'm planing to watch a horror flim..."Coming soon" is a good choice i think...i get know of this movie from Qiey since she's always keep nagging about how horror and how nice this flim is.....So,imma check out tomorrow,and tell you guys how horror it is...I did watched the trailer yesterday,feel like okok only lah...haha...maybe inside the cinema will feel the scary feeling cause of the music is TOO loud...

*i felt in love*
*i felt so sick on him*
*i miss him all the time*
*i just out of control*
*he isnt care how i feel*
allah...*dont bother what i typed above,just trying to express my feeling*=D

Friday, May 1, 2009



今天,去了secret recepi 吃午餐....Mid valley的 secret recepi有点热....不过还能接受啦...哈哈....很多人叻...我看见有三位女生排了很久..可是我一去到,就有人served 哈哈...那三个女的当场摆臭脸...他们要serve我, 我也没办法啊...哈哈...证明我还有魅力....blek~

填饱肚子后...就开始shopping 咯...qiey在F.O.S 买了俩件T-shirt...而我和joevy就在Romp买了衣服...哇...我们在SaSa拼命买mask..哈哈..很像不用钱将...我和qiey个自买了五片....Joevy不赖...买了四片...哈哈..才rm2一片...当然要买多多吗....哈哈....然后,我们就陪cyndy选连身裙...哇...选了好久啊.....哈哈....走到脚都烂了!!终于....再回家之前....买到了...=D

awww....终于看了threads of destiny....我哭了...真的有被感动到咯....哈哈...qiey哭到最惨...哈哈...真的很建议你们去看哦....今天joevy大出血咯...哈哈....dai sei....哇噻...今天原本想买t-shirt的怎知,它原来是条裙子....真的很xx 咯....没有去试衣...我真的很活该...哈哈....不过也不赖啦...蛮好看的...哈哈=D 十点晚上才到家....逛街逛了大概9个小时吧...真的...我的脚现在都麻痹了....哈哈...不过很开心...<3<3<3